Confluence keyboard shortcuts


Global Shortcuts

Description Keyboardshortcut  
Create content c  
Go to dashboard g, d  
Open Notifications g, n  
Open Recently Viewed g, r  
Browse current space g, s  
Open shortcut help   ?
Quick search g, g  
Quick search /  
Toggle space sidebar [  
Edit e  
Share s  
Next talk (press 2) 2  
Previous talk (press 8) 8  

Page / Blog Post Actions

Description Keyboard shortcut
Add blog b
Edit e
Comment m
Next Inline Comment n
Previous Inline Comment p
Close Inline Comment ]
Watch Page w
Share S
Edit labels l
View attachments t
Favorite page f
Toggle Talk Sidebar ]
Toggle Talk Adding d


Editor Autoformatting

Block Formatting

Description Keyboardshortcut
Paragraph Ctrl+0
Heading 1 Ctrl+1
Heading 6 Ctrl+6
Preformatted Ctrl+7
Quote Ctrl+8
Bullet list Ctrl+Shift+B
Numbered list Ctrl+Shift+N

Rich Formatting

Description Keyboardshortcut
Files and images Ctrl+M
Link Ctrl+K
Insert markup Ctrl+Shift+D
Macro Ctrl+Shift+A
Table Ctrl+Shift+I
Cut row Ctrl+Shift+X
Copy row Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste row above Ctrl+Shift+V
Insert Talk Macro Ctrl+Alt+C
Insert Talk Suggestion Ctrl+Alt+S

Editing Actions

Description Keyboardshortcut
Preview Ctrl+Shift+E
Save Ctrl+S

Editor Autoformatting

Font Formatting

Description Keyboardshortcut
Bold text Bold
Underline text +Underline+
Italic text Italic
Monospace text  


|Description|Keyboardshortcut| |—–|—–| |Image/Media|!| |Link|[| |Macro|{| |Tables|first cell |||||| + enter| heading heading

  heading   heading  


Heading h1. Heading
Heading h3. Heading
Quote bq. Quote
Emoticons (/)



|Description|Keyboardshortcut| |—–|—–| |list|# list| |bullets|* bullets| |task|[] task|



